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“No one without imagination was ever very great in his profession”

Niccolò Machiavelli
“THE ART OF WAR”, 1519-1520

“No one without imagination was ever very great in his profession”

Niccolò Machiavelli – “THE ART OF WAR”, 1519-1520
our office

The result of a team effort

ACCAPI brings together a group of professionals specialized in industrial and intellectual property.

We are a group of professionals specialized in industrial and intellectual property, with expertise and experience gained over the years in the field of patents, trademarks, designs and models, copyright, domain names.

We provide our Clients, from individual inventors to large multinational companies, with tailored, flexible and prompt service.

The personal and direct commitment to each and every client allows us to appreciate their specific needs and provide them with tailor-made solutions.

We believe that the most efficient and effective industrial and intellectual property protection strategies are the result of team work and cooperation between the professionals and their clients.

We champion our clients’ rights, protecting and defending them in Italy and globally, directly and with the support of a trusted network of experienced affiliated firms worldwide.